'When It's Done'



You can purchase this painting online by adding to cart and following the payment prompts. We strive to contact you within 2 business days to organise shipping or pick up. During busy times, it may take 3-4 working days. Pick up is available for Perth customers only. Should you require shipping we will issue a separate invoice for the delivery costs.

Below are approximate shipping prices to major cities within Australia. These prices may vary, especially if you live in a rural area. If you'd like an accurate quote feel free to email us at store@anyabrock.com.

PERTH~ $100

SYDNEY~ $145





We offer international shipping. Please contact us for a quote and more details. You may incur import taxes, duties and charges. Anya Brock Pty Ltd does not add these to the cost of your order. They are government fees applied by customs on arrival. To find out about these costs please check with your country of residence.

As our paintings, prints and homewares are often sent from different locations, shipping dispatch dates and prices may apply separately within the same order. If you have any questions please email us at store@anyabrock.com


This piece is part of the new KIDS PRINTS range from Anya Brock. Having two small children herself, Anya recognised a lack of bright, (do kids even see beige?) bold but also sophisticated artwork for kids rooms that parents could also enjoy. 

These pieces combine abstract backgrounds with detailed linework to create layered artworks that are instantly recognisable to small people as well as intriguing to big people. 

'When It's Done' is available as an original, canvas print and paper print.


41cm x 51cm 

Portrait Orientation

Acrylic on Wood Panel





Purchase the PAPER print here.

Purchase the CANVAS print here.


For COMMISSION information head here.


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